Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark




To promote the knowledge of Earth science to children, a set of eight cartoon characters called “Geofolks” were created, each representing a geological concept. The idea is to present seemingly complicated geological concepts in a simple and fun manner.






Absolute Age
Absolute Age

(G for Geologic)

Also known as actual age, is usually expressed in the time unit "years".


(E for Exposed)

Rocks affected by physical, chemical and biological processes form new minerals or break into smaller pieces.

Relative Age
Relative Age

(O for Older)

The age in comparison with other geological materials or events, i.e. younger or older, without knowing the actual or absolute age.


(F for Fault)

A fracture in a volume of rock across which there has been displacement due to relative motion.



(O for uncOnformity)

Unconformity represents time missing from the depositional record due to erosion and non-deposition.

Igneous Rock
Igneous Rock

(L for crystaL)

Igneous Rock is formed by the cooling and solidifying of magma or lava, and contains crystals of different sizes.


(K for dyKe)

A dyke is formed when magma flows into a crack in existing rocks and solidifies.

Sedimentary Rock
Sedimentary Rock

(S for Sediment)

A type of rock formed by accumulation or deposition of sediments; the older sediments are settled first followed by younger layers on top.



Enjoy Your Geopark Journey.



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